About the Caroline Elderly Foundation 

Discard me not in my old age; For me not when my strength fails – Psalms 71:9

Fr. Simon Peter Ssekyanzi
Fr. Simon Peter SsekyanziFounder of The Caroline Elderly Foundation
Ugandan Catholic Priest incardinated to the Archdiocese of Kampala-Uganda.

Our Vision

To foster a worthwhile living yet happy life among the old people

Our Mission

To make vivid Christ’s love among the old people

Our Objectives

  • To enhance and promote pastoral visits
  • To attend to the health needs of the elderly
  • To build confidence and self-esteem among the elderly

Core values

Prayer, Love, Respect, Prudence, Sympathy

Our Origins

The Caroline Elderly Foundation (C.E.F) is a non-government pastorally oriented legal entity, that seeks to foster a worthwhile living, yet happy life among the old people, by making vivid Christ’s love and response to their various outcries through enhancing pastoral visits, attending to their health concerns among others, but all culminating into self-esteem edification in a lifetime.

Whereas it is a right for any human being regardless of age to live a comfortable and worthwhile life, facts on the ground still lay an abhorrent livelihood among various social categories but more so among the elderly people who are the cause of attention herein. Elderly care is a unique challenge. As the body and mind begin to break down, caregivers often must make tough decisions about the comfort and care of the Elderly. However, this turns out to be a subject of bitter controversy challenging the mission thereof.

Taking into consideration a few areas of my competence such as Nkozi of Mpigi district, Namayumba and Nakawuka of Wakiso district to mention on a minimal margin, but also Lubaga and Ndeeba suburbs of Kampala district, it goes explicitly vivid that many of the elderly among other social arena, live in wanting. Some inhabit very poor housing facilities, and some have been abandoned by relatives and caretakers both in presence and absentia for various reasons. This situation has persistently caused lamentations leading to an assortment of mischief ranging in poor health conditions due to lack of proper attention, missing out on feeding due to lack of access to food, skin irritations due to lack of adequate clothing, loss of self-esteem and “premature” loss of lives.

Based on the various social obligations in conjunction with the biblical psalm 71:6, there remains an ardent and urgent quest to revise the lifestyles of the beneficiaries in the target of a worthwhile living yet happy ageing.

Whereas it is rational, worth acknowledging and commending the efforts of the various agencies that have in time past endeavored in securing improved and comfortable lifestyles for elderly people, an alarm still sounds an invitation for more joint ventures to design further programs aiming at curbing down the various unpleasant concerns among the beneficiaries in discussion. Hence, the C.E.F pursues in supplement to the earlier toils by government and other non-government agencies such as religious institutions, and community-based organizations among others, routine and frequent, but timely and planned outreaches and follow up on the targeted beneficiaries in pursuit for bettering and comforting their health and social concerns among others.
The C.E.F in collaboration with spotted good-willed yet registered health agents, and other potential partners, continuously anticipates scheduling of timely visits and follow-ups on the sorted beneficiaries, carrying out both substance and commercial farming for direct consumption but also exchange for other requirements that are not directly produced by the foundation.
This quest would remain a dream on paper without an area of operation. Hence, prior efforts in the pursuit have been located at Kitovu village of Ssisa sub-county, Kajjansi town council in Nakawuka. The fact that cases are numerous, renders it next to impossible to reach out to all everywhere, but with the area of operation granted easy mobilization, follow up and evaluation before wider sizes of operation are taken on board. However, the struggle continues and surely many other entities ought to apprehend the idea and join efforts.

What we’re doing

We seek to foster a worthwhile living, yet happy life among the old people by;

  • making vivid Christ’s love and response to their various outcries through enhancing pastoral visits

  • attending to their health concerns among others

Let us put a smiley face to the elderly

By fostering a worthwhile living, yet happy life among the old people, by making vivid Christ’s love and response to their various outcries through enhancing pastoral visits, attending to their health concerns among others

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