
The Caroline Elderly Foundation in memory and honour of the Caroline Lady.

The Inspirational Storyline Behind the Caroline Elderly Foundation

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Caroline’s sudden death gave rise to the formation of the Caroline Elderly Foundation. On this planet Earth Caroline lived and was such a benevolent African lady, very humble, passionate, humorous but selectively ambitious by character. Her God-fearing personality as always heard from her regular confession: ‘God alone is my prime source of consolation and comfort,’ is a driving phrase that her three children and close friends will always pride in. This mother of two girls and one boy: Josephine, Stephanie and Simon Peter, was also that selfless parent who tirelessly endeavored to provide for her children to the later. Caroline’s joy was in seeing her children transcend through life as God-fearing, humble but successful people. Holistically, she nurtured them through dedication and self-sacrifice.

At a certain stage in her lifetime, Caroline grew a desire to pay gratitude to God for His everlasting provision. But the question was – How and with what was this going to be affected? Discerningly, she chose besides her midwifery profession (the job she passionately exercised at Our Lady Help of the Sick Hospital-Nkozi in Mpigi District of Uganda), to dedicate more time in volunteering in Church duties. These community service works of charity, Caroline often did with the then little Simon; since at the time, the two big sisters were attending school. This closeness with her son Simon in the service of God saw her sending the little boy to the Seminary. This she chose for her only son as a way of dedicating him to a deeper service of God.

When the right time came, Simon’s journey to the priestly calling began- You can only imagine what sort of joy and anxiety filled Caroline’s heart! The anticipation of her being a mother to a priest always kept her in prayer. Events rolled as Simon progressed through his formation, yet now Caroline’s life had begun to ail and indeed turned her weaker by the day, that she would later unceremoniously retire from her profession. In all this, her most troubling fear was to meet her death without witnessing the climax of the journey her Simon boy began.

Tell you what! God was as gracious as ever before. At this time, the girls had graduated from school and were trying to earn a living while taking great care of their ailing mother. In the meantime, the Simon boy was also nearing the end stages of his formation. His deepest desire was to complete formation and dedicate more time to taking care of the Caroline Mom. She had instilled her selfless, compassionate, God-loving spirit in her children through her parental love.

At the launch of the year 2016, the uncertain optimism came to reality on the 13th of August 2016 as the little boy Simon was ordained to the Holy Order of ministerial priesthood at Lubaga Cathedral Church, by Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga the ordinary of the diocese. This was a moment of Carol’s life full supply. She publicly in excitement uttered, “Now that I have realized, I have given back to God, I am good to return to my heavenly father; ready to die now”!

The actualization of her utterance came to be, two years later (2018) when she passed on to meet her creator. At this, were both the family and friends engulfed with sad feelings. The remote hope of giving back to the mom had now fallen. But faith in God kept them strong and moving forward. Nevertheless, the desire to look after his mother in appreciation kept ‘itching’ and crowded Fr. Simon in recurring thought.

In his thoughtful engrossment, Fr. Simon finally found a way to go. A moment at a time, after reading a biblical scripture that goes, “Discard me not in my old age; Forsake me not when my strength fails” (Psalm 71:9), a deeper moment of contemplation followed. This was more of a moment of enlightenment. Considering the fact of the many people of Caroline’s death age who suffer the lack of an assortment of commodities and ailments, coupled with the unrealized “Simon-Mother” dream and desire, ushered in an insight to together change the lives of the less fortunate Elderly people; hence The Caroline Elderly Foundation in memory and honor of the Caroline lady.

Fr. Simon Peter Ssekyanzi (Founder of The Caroline Elderly Foundation), is a Ugandan Catholic Priest incardinated to the Archdiocese of Kampala-Uganda. Having shared with a section of friends, the siblings inclusive, about the determination to dedicate some kind of care to the elderly people, guidance was sought and unity pledged to reach out to such people in need with possible aid ranging in moral-emotional and physical-material support.

May God help us, guide us and see us through this life as we transcend to Life Eternal. Eternal Rest grant unto Mom Caroline oh Lord….